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Online training

We provide essential courses to our courses online and we teach them every thing we know about web designing and web development For no cost

C and C++ tutorials

We provide C and C++ language tutorials free of cost.Do learn and give us feedback.Thank you.

HTML tutorials

please visit our blog for more study stuffs.


We also give scholarships to the needy and deserving students

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Write a note on Water

Importance of water

Water is the most important thing in our life.We can not live without water.The earth is divided in to four parts or quarters.The three quarters are filled with water,but 2.5 percent of the world's water is pure or fresh for drinking.

How many oceans are present?

There are five (5) oceans.
  1. Arctic Ocean
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Pacific Ocean
  4. Indian Ocean
  5. Southern Ocean
The  largest ocean of the world is the PACIFIC OCEAN.

Uses of Water

We use water in our life with many ways i.e:
  1. We use water for drinking.
  2. We use the water for taking bath to remove the dirt and sweat from our body.
  3. We use the water in cooking.
  4. We use the water in car batteries.
  5. Water is used in the creation of many chemicals in the lab.
  6. The most important use of the water is in the agricultural work.
  7. We need 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to drink and remain fit and healthy.
The water is very important and is essential for us but it can also be dangerous.Rain is the thing for which everybody is waiting,but can be changed in to flood which may causes disasters.Flood can destroy the villages,houses,buildings,cars,trains,agricultural lands and it can kill many people. 

Saturday, 29 November 2014

How to create tables in HTML?

Tables in HTML

In table forming,generally four tags are use.
  1. <table>
  2. <tr>
  3. <td>
  4. <th>
<tr> tag is used for creating new row.
<th> tag is used for creating new heading.
<td> tag is used for entring new data.


It is not so difficult to understand. RowSpan means
to combine multiple rows to form new row.Its value
can be defined in to the tag.


It is not so difficult to understand.ColSpan means
to combine multiple column to form new column.Its value
can be defined in to the tag.

Making of table in HTML

An example shows how to make table using HTML.
<th rowspan=2>Name
<th colspan=3>Marks
<th>MS Excel


Name Marks
MS Excel PowerPoint Word
Ali 79 8592

  • Example of ROW-SPAN and COL-SPAN is mention above.

Define Link colors in HTML

How to change Link colors in HTML?

We divided links into three categories:
  1. alink
  2. vlink
  3. link


It is standard link that is not visited by visitors.


It is active link.The color of link become changed when we put cursor
on it.


It is visited link.Color become changed when visitor visited the link.


<header link="blue" vlink="grey" alink"red">

Friday, 28 November 2014

What is a comment in Programming Language?


Comment is a line of code which is written in the program but it
can not be executed.It can only be written in program
to enhance the readability of program.

How to add comment in HTML?

Adding comment in HTML page

We can add comments in our webpage very easily using a simple tag
known as comment tag.
Firstly you have to know that what do you meant by comment in any 
programming language.

Comment is a line of code which is written in the program but it
can not be executed.It can only be written in program
to enhance the readability of program.

Syntax of adding comment in HTML

The syntax of adding comment in HTML is given below:-


Image tag in HTML

How to add Image tag in HTML?

There are three important tags which are use to add and format the image in
HTML.These are as below:-
  • <FIGURE> tag
  • <IMG> tag
  • <FIGCAPTION> tag
<img> tag is used to add the picture in our website.Syntax of img tag is given


<img src="abc.jpeg" />

When we add more then one picture in a page,then it is good practice to encapsulate
the all <img> tag in another tag called <figure> tag.


<img src="image1.png" />
<img src="image2.png" />
If you want to add the caption to the image,you just want to add the <caption> tag.
syntax of caption tag is given below:-


<img src="xyz.jpeg" />
<figcaption>your name</figcaption>

Thursday, 27 November 2014

More tags of HTML

Some more tags of HTML

Some other useful tags are listed below.

hr tag.

hr tag is used to draw a horizontal line to the webpage.


this is my page <hr>.
<br> tag is used to go to next line.


Hi world <br>.
<a> tag.

a tag also called anchor tag is used to add links and make references to 


<a href=">Mysite</a>"

What are List tags in HTML?

List tags in HTML

We can divide list in to sub cetagories:
  1. Unordered list (ul)
  2. Ordered list(ol)
  3. List item(li)


To create navigation list.
<li><a href="#">Name</a></li>
<li><a href="#">contact</a></li>
<li><a href="#">email</a></li>



Heading tags

What are the Heading tags of HTML?

There are six heading tags listed below:

  • H1


  • H2


  • H3


  • H4


  • H5


  • H6


These headings tag can be enclosed in another important
tag called HGROUP  tag.

Formatting Tags

What are Formatting Tags ?

There are several tags which are used to formatting the text.
These are listed as below.
  • <b> 
It defines BOLD text.
  • <em>
It defines emphasized text.
  • <small>
It defines small text.
  • <strong>
It defines important text.
  • <sub>
It defines subscript text.
  • <sup>
It defines superscript text.
  • <ins>
It defines underline text.
  • <del>
It defines deleted text.
  • <mark>
It defines highlighted text.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Basic HTML tags

Tags of HTML

In this chapter we will discuss about tags,its nature and its attributes.
Every tag has its opening and its closing tags.Tags are closed using

<HEAD>  tag

Head tag is also called a container tag.It is basically used to add the METADATA 
in to the HTML file.
It is also used to add CSS(cascading style sheet).
The basic purpose of head tag is to add basic description about blog.

<P> tag

"P" tag is used for writing paragraphs.we used this tag to edit separately edit text in

<BODY> tag

All the content of websites are written in body tag.We can change the background
color ,text color and also add images to this tag by changing in its attributes.


This is very important and amazing and my favorite tag.This tag is used to
move the text in web-page.

<nav> tag

This tag is used to create links and nevigation bar in your page.

What is CSS-Cascading style sheet?


CSS stands for cascading style sheet and is used to design 
web pages.
There are three types of CSS.
  • IN-LINE  css
  • INTERNAL css
  • EXTERNAL css

What is MetaData ?


Meta-Data is known as Data about data.I know this statement confuse you.
Dont worry i'll explain it in future tutorials but now you can understand
it as information about your basic data is added by META DATA.

HTML syntax

Basic HTML structure

The structure and syntax of HTML is given below:


<TITLE>Page title</TITLE>

Page structure


This is the basic structure of HTML.

Basics of HTML

basics of HTML
Basics of HTML

HTML Introduction

HTML is known as Hyper-Text-Markup_language.It is basically used 
for designing a webpage.It is also used to create the static websites.
HTML is a TAG-based language.Every tag has its own special meaning.
Many tags are used in HTML,we will discuss all tags briefly.
some tags are <BODY> , <HEAD> , <HTML> , <P> , etc

Phillip Hughes Australian Cricketer has died

Death of Phillip Huges

Phillip Hughes death
Phillip Hughes died 

Phillip Hughes is no more with us.
He died due to hitting ball on his head.
 He was fighting for life after being hit in
 the head by cricket ball.May his soul rest
 in peace.He was only 25 years old.

Phillip Hughes Australian Cricketer hit by a ball

Friday, 21 November 2014

C tutorial for series for new commer

Friends,next lesson of C programming tutorials will be publish tonight till 11:00 PM. So do not panic and enjoy EWT tutorials of C language. Regards ewt team

learning C language chapter 2

Learning C language using OOP


Introduction to C++


  1. History of C++
  2. Preprocessor directive
  3. Header files
  4. Main() function
  5. C++ statements
  6. Token
  7. White spaces
  8. Linker

1. History of C++

                 Many new programming languages appeared during the 1960's.
The computers at that time were still in early stage of development.The language
ALGOL 60 was developed as an alternativ to FORTRAN.The language CPL was
developed in 1963.It was more specific for concrete programming tasks of that time

KEN THOMPSON created the B language in 1970.C language was derived from
B language.

C++ was refined during 1980's and it became a unique language.It was very much
compatible with the code of C and provided the most important characteristics of C.

2. Preprocessor directive

                 It is an instruction given to compiler before execution of program.
It is also known as compiler directive.The preprocessor directives are processed
 by a program called Preprocessor. It is a part of C++ compiler.The semicolon
is not used at the end of preprocessor directive.

Types of preprocessor directives.

  • Include 
  • Define


It enables the program to access a library.Each library contains different header files.
It is used to include HEADER files in the program.


#include<standard header file>


The define directive is used to define a constant.Its starts with the symbol #.It is not
terminated with semicolon.It can be used anywhere in program.


#define identifier value

3. Header Files

Header files are the collection of standard library functions . There are many header 
files for different purposes.Many header files are included in one program.the extension
of header files is .h. It is used to include header files in programs.



Learn C language Basic structure

4. Main() Function

Main function is the starting point of a C++ program.When the program is run,the control
enters main() function and starts executing its statements.Each program must contain
main() function.If the program does not contain main function,it may be executed but 
not run at all.


main( )

   body or C statement


5. C++ statements

A statement in C++ language is an instruction for the computer to perform a task.
Computer performs these instructions one by one in same sequence in which these
instructions are written.

6. Tokens

A token is a language element that is used to form a statement.C++ statement may
consist of different tokens.Different types of tokens are :
  • Keyword
  • Identifier
  • Constant 
  • String literals
  • Operators
  • Punctuators

7.White Spaces

White spaces are used in programs to increase readability.Different types of white
spaces include space,tab and carriage return etc.A single line can be written in 2 or more
lines in order to enhance its readability.

8. Linker

The process of linking library files with object program is called linking.A library file
must be linked with the object file before the execution of program.A program that combines
 the object program with additional libraries is known as linker.

C programming language chapter 1

Object-Oriented Programming using C++


Introduction to programming


  1. Problem solving
  2. Advantages of computer program
  3. Algorithms and Pseudo code
  4. Types of code

Programming languages are sub-divided in to numerous categories in which we discussed
C language.

1. Problem Solving

 DEF:-       Problem solving is the process of identifying problem and to finds its best solution.
Problem solving is a skill that can be developed by following a well organized approach.
Different strategies techniques and tools are used to solve a problem.
Computers are used as a tool to solve  complex problem by developing computer programs.
Computer program contain different instructions for computer.
A person can be a good programmer  if he or she has a skills of  solving problems.

Problem-Solving techniques

  • Program
  • Algorithms
  • FlowCharts

2. Advantages of Computer Program

  • A computer program can solve many problems by giving instruction to computer.
  • A computer program can be used to perform a task repeatedly and quickly.
  • A program can process a large amount of data easily.
  • It can display the results in different styles.
  • The processing of a program is more efficient and less time consuming. 

3. Algorithms and pseudo code

There are several properties of pseudo code.

Properties of pseudo code

  • The given problem should be broken in to simple and meaningful steps.
  • The steps should be in number sequentially.
  • The steps should be descriptive and written in simple English.

4. Types of codes

There are two types of codes given below:-
  1. Source code
  2. Object code

Source Code

A program written in a high-Level language is called Source code.
Source code is also called source program.
Computer cant understand the statements of high level languages.
The source code cant be executed by computer directly.

Object Code

A program in a machine language is called  object code.
It is also called object program or machine code.
Computer understands object code directly.

you can further learn from next chapter that is Chapter 2

C# tutorials using &VB

C# tutorials are basically designed under strong observation and will be uploaded
after compilation and completing of C or C++ tutorial series.These tutorials are getting
popular because only a hard-work that i currently do for you guys.After completing
of our 1st tutorial series ,our next target is to compose tutorials of C# in
and also in Visual Basic(VB).

C# tutorials
C# tutorials using & VB
We are soon announcing our releasing date of our next upcomming tutorial in this blog.
So stay tuned to ewt .


Important to note that

Video Tutorials

Necessary Education 

Are you interested in learning some knowledge?
Are you intended to attend lecture of your
favorite subjects?
Are you curious about learning?
If your answer is YES of all questions the you
are coming on right place.We are soon starting
our tutorial classes in this website specially
for you guys.Firstly we were going to create new
website for uploading tutorials ,but after your so
much response we decided to gives tuts in this
websites for neglecting confusion.
We are soon creating our new page named as tuts 
which contains tutorials in ewt home page.

Regards EWT team

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

earn in seconds

Hi fellows ,i must recommend you all to please study minimum of 12th grade
to earn a normal status in society

top ptc websites

Dear fellows,in this articles i tell
you the most famous and trusted
ptc websites known as
paid to click websites.these are explained

These are international websites
which you can trust
If you live in Pakistan
the website which i recommend is:-
this is trusted and best paid website
i personally  earned so far from this site

Kinds of Software Requirements

Functional requirements
Non-functional requirements
Domain requirements
Inverse requirements
Design and implementation constraints
Non functional
Most non-functional requirements relate to the system as a whole. They include constraints on timing, performance, reliability, security, maintainability, accuracy, the development process, standards, etc.

How to handle this problem

}Software economic techniques
We need to make some economic decision to overcome this problem
we will discuss these decision w.r.t major phases of project life cycle

}How much should we invest in information system analysis in order that we converge on an appropriate definition and concept of operation for the proposed system
User questionnaire, interviews, current system analysis, prototype etc

Economics and Software Engineering Management

}Microeconomics ….. Why
We deal with limited resources
Never enough time
Never enough money
Even cheap hardware and software is available but they also have limit

Some product features may limit critical resources. Can you give some examples………..
}What type of resources a software project may need???
People ( with required skills)
Equipment ( with correct type and specification)
What else ?????

Economics article

Dictionary Definition
  “economics” as “a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of  goods and services.”
Another definition

Economics is the study of how people make decisions in resource-limited situations. This definition of economics fits the major branches of classical economics very well.
  is the study of how people make decisions in resource limited situations on a national or global scale. It deals with the effects of decisions that national leaders make on such issues as tax rates, interest rates, and foreign and trade policy.
  is the study of how people make decisions in resource limited situations on a more personal scale. It deals with the decisions that individuals and organizations make on such issues as how much insurance to buy, which word processor to buy, or what prices to charge for their products or services.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

pgesturia images

Here is the pgesturia cat known as SIMBA
HE looks soooo good


want to create free blog
learn free bloging live
keep watching ewt

Friday, 14 November 2014

Very Emotional Bayan in Arafat By Maulana Tariq Jameel (Hajj 2014)

Rahat ali

Rahat ali was the man of the match
in first test against newzeland
for his greatest performance
he took 6 wickets

hafeez bowling action

hafeez reported for his action and
he is temporally suspended
it is a bad thing for Pakistan
before world cup

regards ewt

2nd test

dear friends,2nd test match
between pakistan and
newzeland is held in dubai
and starts from 17 november
regards ewt

worldcup countdown

so friends,cricket world cup
count down is starts
only 91 days are remaining
in huge tournament
regards ewt

computer tuts

our projcts,dear members,
include php, mysql,db,html,
css and photoshop currntly
regards ewt


so friends,we are
going to start our video
tuts for you guys
regards ewt


we are soon starting our some
big projects in ewt
we are going to make this site
a big site
so stay tuned to ewt
best regards ewt


dear members and visitors
you can give us good suggestions
if we like your suggestions
we will include in our terms
regards ewt

cricket fest

we are going to start live streaming
of cricket match specially of
Pakistan,so stay tuned to ewt.

pakistan vs newzeland

After a very brave win against
newzeland in 1st test match
Green shirts are hoping to
cleanSweep newzeland
for live scores and commentary
regards ewt team

scholarships are open

pakistan scholarships are open now ,
must register before last date
short listed will be called for
regards ewt team

leader characteristics

A leader is one who leads from front
A leader never give up
A leader never choose wrong


The Radcliffe Commission, dividing Bengal and Punjab, completed its work and reported to Mountbatten on 12 August; the last Viceroy held the maps until the 17th, not wanting to spoil the independence celebrations in both nations. There had already been ethnically charged violence and movement of populations; publication of the Radcliffe Line dividing the new nations sparked mass migration, murder, and ethnic cleansing. Many on the "wrong side" of the lines fled or were murdered, or murdered others, hoping to make facts on the ground which would reverse the commission's verdict. Radcliffe wrote in his report that he knew that neither side would be happy with his award; he declined his fee for the work.[150] Christopher Beaumont, Radcliffe's private secretary, later wrote that Mountbatten "must take the blame—though not the sole blame—for the massacres in the Punjab in which between 500,000 to a million men, women and children perished".[151] As many as 14,500,000 people relocated between India and Pakistan during and after partition.[151] Jinnah did what he could for the eight million people who migrated to Pakistan; although by now over 70 and frail from lung ailments, he travelled across West Pakistan and personally supervised the provision of aid.[152] According to Ahmed, "What Pakistan needed desperately in those early months was a symbol of the state, one that would unify people and give them the courage and resolve to succeed."[153]

Jinnah speaks at Karachi in 1946
Along with Liaquat and Abdur Rab Nishtar, Jinnah represented Pakistan's interests in the Division Council to appropriately divide public assets between India and Pakistan.[154] Pakistan was supposed to receive one-sixth of the pre-independence government's assets, carefully divided by agreement, even specifying how many sheets of paper each side would receive. The new Indian state, however, was slow to deliver, hoping for the collapse of the nascent Pakistani government, and reunion. Few members of the Indian Civil Service and the Indian Police Servicehad chosen Pakistan, resulting in staff shortages. Crop growers found their markets on the other side of an international border. There were shortages of machinery, not all of which was made in Pakistan. In addition to the massive refugee problem, the new government sought to save abandoned crops, establish security in a chaotic situation, and provide basic services. According to economist Yasmeen Niaz Mohiuddin in her study of Pakistan, "although Pakistan was born in bloodshed and turmoil, it survived in the initial and difficult months after partition only because of the tremendous sacrifices made by its people and the selfless efforts of its great leader."[155]
The Indian Princely States, of which there were several hundred, were advised by the departing British to choose whether to join Pakistan or India. Most did so prior to independence, but the holdouts contributed to what have become lasting divisions between the two nations.[156] Indian leaders were angered at Jinnah's courting the princes of JodhpurBhopal and Indore to accede to Pakistan—these princely states did not border Pakistan, and each had a Hindu-majority population.[157] The coastal princely state of Junagadh, which had a majority-Hindu population, did accede to Pakistan in September 1947, with its ruler's dewan, Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto, personally delivering the accession papers to Jinnah. The Indian army occupied the principality in November, forcing its former leaders, including Bhutto, to flee to Pakistan, beginning the politically powerful Bhutto family.[158]
The most contentious of the disputes was, and continues to be, that over the princely state of Kashmir. It had a Muslim-majority population and a Hindumaharaja, Sir Hari Singh, who stalled his decision on which nation to join. With the population in revolt in October 1947, aided by Pakistani irregulars, the maharaja acceded to India; Indian troops were airlifted in. Jinnah objected to this action, and ordered that Pakistani troops move into Kashmir. The Pakistani Army was still commanded by British officers, and the commanding officer, General Sir Douglas Gracey, refused the order, stating that he would not move into what he considered the territory of another nation without approval from higher authority, which was not forthcoming. Jinnah withdrew the order. This did not stop the violence there, which has broken into war between India and Pakistan from time to time since.[156][159]
Some historians allege that Jinnah's courting the rulers of Hindu-majority states and his gambit with Junagadh are evidence of ill-intent towards India, as Jinnah had promoted separation by religion, yet tried to gain the accession of Hindu-majority states.[160] In his book Patel: A LifeRajmohan Gandhi asserts that Jinnah hoped for a plebiscite in Junagadh, knowing Pakistan would lose, in the hope the principle would be established for Kashmir.[161] Despite the United Nations Security Council Resolution 47 issued at India's request for a plebiscite in Kashmir after the withdrawal of Pakistani forces, this has never occurred.[159]
In January 1948, the Indian government finally agreed to pay Pakistan its share of British India's assets. They were impelled by Gandhi, who threatened a fast until death. Only days later, Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist, who believed that Gandhi was pro-Muslim. Jinnah made a brief statement of condolence, calling Gandhi "one of the greatest men produced by the Hindu community".[162]
In a radio talk addressed to the people of USA broadcast in February 1948, Jinnah said:
In March, Jinnah, despite his declining health, made his only post-independence visit to East Pakistan. In a speech before a crowd estimated at 300,000, Jinnah stated (in English) that Urdu alone should be the national language, believing a single language was needed for a nation to remain united. The Bengali-speaking people of East Pakistan strongly opposed this policy, and in 1971 the official language issue was a factor in the region's secession to formBangladesh.[163]
After the establishment of Pakistan, Pakistani currency notes had the image of George V printed on them. These notes were in circulation till 30 June 1949. But on 1 April 1949, these notes were stamped with "Government of Pakistan" and were used as legal tenders. On the same day, the then Finance Minister of PakistanMalik Ghulam Muhammad, presented a new set of seven coins (Re. 1, 1214A. 2, A. 1, A. 12 and Pe. 1) to Jinnah in the Governor House and were issued as the first coins minted by the Government of Pakistan


Hello all,how are you,hope you all are good regards ewt team :-)